Clean Air Journal

Making a Difference Through Mutual Aid  – GASP Hosts Last Popup Market of 2023

Making a Difference Through Mutual Aid – GASP Hosts Last Popup Market of 2023

GASP’s impactful Pop-Up markets transcend charity in North Birmingham’s Superfund Site. Since 2020, these events ensure crucial support for low- and middle-income communities. Grassroots organizer Barbara Jackson emphasizes their significance, stating, “The Pop-Up markets connect GASP with citizens and build relationships,” highlighting the community bonds fostered through these initiatives

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Community Chronicles #3: M. Dominique Villanueva (Fountain Heights Farms)

Community Chronicles #3: M. Dominique Villanueva (Fountain Heights Farms)

“Fountain Heights includes the civil rights district, it includes the historically Black Bussiness District, and it goes all the way down to the bus stations and Morris Avenue,” Said Dominique.”We are a diverse neighborhood that could be benefiting by sharing the resources we each have through reinvestments and people who are willing to listen.”

Community Chronicles 2: Gerica Cammack

Community Chronicles 2: Gerica Cammack

“We were so close to it. I could taste it in my mouth. The smell was in the house. I felt like I couldn’t get away from it. I couldn’t let my window up; I couldn’t let my window down. It’s in the ground. It’s in the foundation.”

Why The EPA Needs To Update Soot Pollution Standards

Why The EPA Needs To Update Soot Pollution Standards

Soot, is a dangerous and deadly pollutant composed of metals, organic chemicals and acidic substances. It is produced by power plants vehicle tailpipes and other industrial sources as well as wildfire smoke. Soot threatens our health and our environment, posing particular risks for children, seniors and people with chronic illnesses.

Community Chronicles 1: Keisha Brown

Community Chronicles 1: Keisha Brown

“It’s like a third-world country,” she said. “I know we sound like a broken record, but no one’s doing anything. Politicians keep telling us to vote for them–vote for you for what? What am I voting for you for? To do nothing? We need people who are willing to work with the community’s needs.”