Clean Air Journal

Q&A with Summer Policy Intern Hannah Grace

Q&A with Summer Policy Intern Hannah Grace

What is your major and why did you choose it? I am double majoring in Environmental Studies and Global Liberal Studies, concentrating in Sustainability, Health, and the Environment at New York University. During a COVID quarantine, I only had a book for one of my courses (The Sixth Extinction by...

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What is the Green New Deal anyway?

What is the Green New Deal anyway?

Modeled after FDR’s Depression-era New Deal, the Green New Deal is a bold and equitable vision to create millions of high-paying jobs while developing a new, clean energy economy.

Almost 9 Million Deaths Caused by Fossil Fuel Pollution

Almost 9 Million Deaths Caused by Fossil Fuel Pollution

New research from Harvard University found that deaths from fossil fuel emissions are significantly higher than previous estimates. In 2018, more than 8 million people died from the pollution caused by coal, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels. That accounts for nearly 1-in-5 of all deaths worldwide. Prior research put the number at a little over 4 million deaths per year.