Theory of Change

Why & What We Do

GASP’s work centers on the notion that solving the problems of air pollution and environmental injustice requires transformational change. The scale of the problem is so large that it requires a methodical, integrated approach. The most impactful and sustainable change is people-focused, community-driven, and intersectional.

We believe that change occurs when informed people— organized through the grassroots — with the support of social institutions— such as schools, churches, nonprofit organizations, and civic clubs — apply pressure to the grasstops — namely, elected officials, regulators, and corporate executives.

Our theory of change depends on a combination of education, collaboration, and advocacy. We educate through public awareness campaigns, storytelling, and civic engagement activities. We collaborate with social institutions through coalition-building, strategic partnerships, workshops, and community leadership. We advocate for change via research, direct and indirect lobbying, legal actions, and rulemaking processes.

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