Alabamians Have the Right to Breathe Clean, Healthy Air

by | Dec 17, 2013

In response to false accusations from the Alabama Coal Association and its allies, GASP released the following statement.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — GASP is a health advocacy organization focused on the negative health effects of toxic air pollution on the citizens of Alabama — cancer, heart disease, asthma attacks, and respiratory illnesses to name a few. As such, we advocate for clean, renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, and support replacing coal with natural gas as a bridge to a healthier, more sustainable energy future.

We believe all Alabamians deserve the right to breathe clean, healthy air. It is a well-established fact that coal is one of the dirtiest, least efficient (and increasingly uneconomical) sources of energy generation. (Not to mention the fact that most coal burned by Alabama Power comes from outside of Alabama, making the Alabama Coal Association’s entire argument a non-sequitur.) The health-care costs associated with air pollution from coal-fired power plants are a hidden tax on Alabamians and conveying that message is critical to our education and advocacy efforts for clean, healthy air.


About Michael Hansen
Michael is Executive Director of GASP. He joined the team in 2013 as communications specialist. He has years of experience and extensive training in the areas of public health and environmental protection. He is a member of the board of directors for the Southeast Climate & Energy Network and Clean Water Fund, as well as a member of the Arm in Arm National Core Support Team. Email Michael
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