Action Center

If you believe Alabamians deserve clean, healthy air, get involved by taking action. We need your help!

Report Pollution

You are our eyes and ears in the community! We rely on volunteer “airkeepers” like you to keep an eye on polluters and to speak up when you see or smell something unusual. We have an AirWatch hotline and online form for you to use to report. Click below to learn more.



Your tax-deducible charitable contribution not only helps us fight for clean air, but helps us show that Alabamians care about air quality. By becoming a member of Gasp, you are investing in clean, healthy air. We also welcome major gifts, corporate sponsorships, and in-kind donations.



One of the most effective ways of creating change is direct advocacy (e.g., writing op-eds and signing petitions). We have numerous ongoing actions. But if you don’t see one that fits, contact us and we’ll try to help you take the action you need.



One of the most effective ways of creating change is direct advocacy (e.g., writing op-eds and signing petitions). We have numerous ongoing actions. But if you don’t see one that fits, contact us and we’ll try to help you take the action you need.


Sign Up for Newsletters

Get Gasp newsletters, including Action Alerts on bad air days, special offers, and news about air quality, climate change, and environmental health in your inbox. We promise not to send you a bunch of junk mail you’ll just delete. We also occasionally send out print newsletters and event invites by snail mail.